A few things I've written:

A Product Roadmap Guide: Everything You Need To Know

When was the last time you went on a road trip without any GPS navigation? It can be stressful trying to navigate unfamiliar roads and plan your route. But with GPS, you have a guide that can get you where you want to go with ease—even if you need to make changes mid-route.

The same goes for modern product roadmaps. They may be called “roadmaps,” but the truth is that successful product roadmaps these days are more like navigating by GPS than using an old paper map. Product roadmaps are dynamic

How Dating App Algorithms Work and How To Choose One for Your App

Just like any algorithm, a dating app's algorithm tells your app the rules for decision-making. It's the set of instructions the app uses to find and sort potential matches based on things like user surveys or behavior. If a user has a tendency to like profiles of users who are outdoorsy extroverts with jobs in academia, the algorithm is the bit of math that the app uses to notice the pattern and prioritize similar profiles.

How LGBTQ+ Diversity Builds Better Companies

In my first interview with Courier, when my now-boss was telling me about the company, he stopped and said, “I see your display name is not the same as the name on your application. Are there any other pronouns that I should be using?” It was a small gesture, but it made an impact on me. The moment hinted at a company culture built around treating people with respect and appreciating authenticity. Courier is still a very small company building the foundation of a diverse team, but even as we gro

Frustration-free Technology for the Real World

Technology has always progressed with trial-and-error, but our patience with tools that cause us much grief as they solve—is running thin.

Rapid innovations have brought us to a present-day future packed with amazing new technological advancements, and our awe and excitement at all these new tools was enough to push through bad UX and buggy software for a time. But it’s time to level up and bring in an era of technology that actually works the way it’s supposed to.

Tech’s New Role In Disaster Preparedness

So far a lot of technological innovation in this space has been focused on getting information out of disaster areas — Whether that’s search and rescue drones or mapping how viruses spread around the world. Getting information where it needs to be is a bigger challenge during disasters than many anticipate.

For instance, the first piece of advice any home or business owner is given when a disaster hits: File a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Why? Because the process famou

Meet the Woman Changing How Companies Handle Family Leave

“It’s not like a lightbulb, that’s for sure,” says Anna Steffeney, founder and CEO of LeaveLogic, when asked how she managed to build software that challenges the way we think about leave policy in the U.S. Usually when we discuss these disruptive, or even revolutionary startups, she says, we speak about them as if the concept emerges complete, in an instant and then all the details tumble into place.

But Steffeney knows that nothing could be further from the truth. LeaveLogic was originally su

The Impossible Problem: Developing Executive Presence While Female

That term is everywhere, isn t it? Every magazine and blog dedicated to careers or business has talked about it – . But no matter how many times it pops up in the news, there s something missing from the larger conversation around fostering

s gender. Or, more specifically, how attempting to develop

After interviewing quite a few professionals who ve taken part in mentorships, women frequently remarked that part of the reason they sought out a mentorship with Everwise is that they wanted to imp

How to Avoid the 3 Most Common Mistakes Growing Startups Make

A couple years ago, a software entrepreneur named Michael Dowden found himself at a healthcare mobile development startup that grew from two founders and no employees to 15 people (five of whom were co-founders) in six weeks.

“Fifteen doesn’t sound like a lot,” Dowden says, “But when you’re in the very early stages of hashing out an idea, that’s a lot of people — too many cooks in the kitchen.”

You can see where this is going. Predictably, right before an important presentation, there was a hu

How Getaround Grew the ‘Impossible Idea’ to over 200,000 members.

“From the start, everyone said, ‘This is an impossible idea,’” says Sam Zaid, CEO of the new transportation startup, Getaround. “That was sort of motivating, just knowing that it was impossible, but maybe not impossible—maybe things just seem that way until you get into them.”

Back in 2009 Larry Page told the inaugural class of Singularity University, which included Getaround founders, Sam Zaid and Jessica Scorpio, to build something that would positively impact a billion people within ten year

A few examples